How to install (and uninstall) Alchemy for Tridion / Web

If you’ve still not given Alchemy a shot, I’ve created a couple of videos to show how easy it is install (and un-install) the framework within your SDL Tridion / SDL Web Environment.

How to Install Alchemy

The video below show how quick and easy it is to install Alchemy.  At under 3 minutes, its the fastest thing you’ll ever install in your SDL environment :)

How to Uninstall Alchemy

While we hope (and very much doubt) you’re not uninstalling because you didn’t enjoy the experience, earlier versions require that you uninstall before you upgrade, to learn how watch the video below.

If you run into any problems or have questions, view the Alchemy Help section, or contact the team directly.

This entry was posted in A4T, Extensions and tagged by John Winter. Bookmark the permalink.

About John Winter

Over the last 15 years, John has lead over 50 SDL Tridion implementations for major clients including, Alliance Data, Viking Cruises, Lexus, Dunlop, Dexia Bank, Toyota and SKF. John manages the USA side of Content Bloom, undertaking a variety of tasks including consultancy, development, architecture and trainer.

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