Mass publish content as individual publishing jobs

publish_wordWhen mass publishing content from Tridion, the publish job is handled as a single transaction.  Using the Alchemy Page Publisher plugin it’s possible to perform this task but create single items for publishing.

After the jump I’ve created a short video to demonstrate this functionality.

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Finding duplicate binaries in your SDL Tridion Publication

duplicate filesThere’s been quite a lot written about Duplicate Binary Issues in SDL Tridion.  A couple of years ago I released a PowerTool to solve this issue.    Knowing it can still be troublesome for some SDL Tridion users, I decided to give it a little rewrite and release it as an alchemy plugin.

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Updating list: Anguilla Code Snippets

anquillaI’ve been keeping a little notepad file on my machine for a while some of common code snippets that help when building SDL Tridion Gui / Alchemy extensions.  I thought it would be great to share them with the community in the hope that they can help someone, and others can contribute.

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DXA Modules Settings Interface

Recently I had the pleasure of traveling to Portugal for the SDL Web Most Valued Professional (MVP) retreat. While this was my first opportunity to participate in one of these events, I have seen the results of having some of the brightest and most willing-to-share minds in the SDL Web community brought together for the opportunity to collaborate. Often times in the past this event has helped to shape the future of SDL Web development, and this year was no exception. Continue reading