OData – How to Query Multiple Custom Metas

On a recent implementation, a large site fully driven by OData, we ran into a scenario where we wanted to retrieve DCPs based on multiple custom metadata values. We quickly realized that there are some limitations around this. For instance: a component with the following custom meta fields, color and shape, having values ‘blue’ and ‘round’ respectively cannot be retrieved in one OData call. This is because each CustomMetas Key/Value is exposed as a separate entry in the CustomMetas collection, and the OData protocol is limited – doesn’t allow querying across properties of multiple entries (not as an AND at least). However, if there is a will there is a way, and in the article I will show an approach to doing so.


5 thoughts on “OData – How to Query Multiple Custom Metas

  1. Nice approach, Nick! I personally would have just executed multiple queries and then intersected the results in app-logic. But that would be lots more bytes over the wire.

    As you know, I recently experimented with OData Query Extension (http://yatb.mitza.net/2013/06/url-syntax-for-odata-query-extension.html) and your query could be re-written as:

    /odata.svc/QueryComponentPresentations(SchemaTitle=Article)?$filter=ComponentMetaValue(ComponentMetaKey(‘color’), ‘red’) and ComponentMetaValue(ComponentMetaKey(‘shape’), ’round’)

    … which would be parsed into a Criteria object and performed by CD API on the OData server.

  2. Thanks for the comment Mihai. I really like your approach. I do hope that future releases of the CD Web Service will have this capability built-in.

    As a side note, I recall having a conversation with someone from R&D, and he mentioned that OData on the back side does not wrap the standard CD API as I had assumed. It uses a totally redesigned set of DB queries which are much more performant than those of the classic CD API.

  3. Hi Nickoli,
    Is this issue solved in Web 8 or 8.5 with Content Service microservice?

  4. That’s a great question. The new version of Tridion supports GraphQL, which is supposed to be a lot more flexible for querying. I’ve not done a POC on this specifically yet. Please share your findings with us if you get there first.

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