Creating an Alchemy Plugin: Step 1 – The tools

alchemyI’m going to be presenting a session at the Tridion Developer Summit next month that walks everyone through the creation of an Alchemy Plugin, so I thought I better get some practice!   I also thought it would be useful to record this practice into a series of mini videos, so here goes with the first video of the series.


The first video provides a walkthrough of the tools you need, these are:

It also walks through how to set up a simple A4T visual studio project that uses the Alchemy framework.

Once you’ve got your pre-reqs in place, check out the first video in the series:

Alchemy Training Video 1: Setting up Visual Studio and creating the Plugin Structure from Content Bloom on Vimeo.

This entry was posted in A4T, Extensions and tagged by John Winter. Bookmark the permalink.

About John Winter

Over the last 15 years, John has lead over 50 SDL Tridion implementations for major clients including, Alliance Data, Viking Cruises, Lexus, Dunlop, Dexia Bank, Toyota and SKF. John manages the USA side of Content Bloom, undertaking a variety of tasks including consultancy, development, architecture and trainer.

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