About Mark 'Eddie' Sizer

Mark, nicknamed 'Eddie' due to the proliferation of Marks at Content Bloom, has been developing commercial .net solutions since the beta of version 1.0 was available back in the day. A big fan of object oriented design and solid coding principles, Mark is currently undertaking the epic journey of becoming a hardcore Tridion developer.

Using a custom MVC render engine to speed up DD4T development

Reverend Green in the Conservatory with the Lead Piping?

Reverend Green in the Conservatory with the Lead Piping?

Recently I’ve been performing some post-launch improvements to a DD4T site for a client.  A number of their requests have been along the lines of improving screen element <x> on page <y>.

The project is reasonably large with the website being comprised from a couple of hundred abstract MVC views.  A good amount of nested, view re-use, with nice generic css classes has actually been a detriment when it comes to tracking down exactly which view screen element <x> originates from.

Occasionally you find a view that includes some ‘start’ and ‘end’ comments in the output.

<!-- Start View: Example -->
  View contents go here...
<!-- End View: Example -->

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