Using and debugging DXA (Java) with Web 8.5 on Amazon

So I finally got around to having enough time to set up a Java-based DXA connecting to a Content Service in the Amazon cloud.

It was a fun adventure, to say the least, and most of it is due to my rustiness in Java. I have tried with both Eclipse and IntelliJ Idea, and definitely IntelliJ made it a lot simpler by detecting project dependencies and installing them for me – which actually made it harder to get Eclipse to work, as I hadn’t noticed what it had done.

Anyway – below are the steps I followed to get a local instance of DXA running within Eclipse. As with the .NET install, you need to make sure you have a proper firewall configuration allowing communication between your machine and the CIS, as well as having the right mappings set in Topology Manager (I used the default of “localhost:8080″ for this). I will not cover those steps in this post.

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“Inheriting” Metadata on Organizational Items

Recently I had a customer ask me for a rather simple feature – the ability to have Tridion folders and structure groups inherit the metadata schema and values from their parent. This would be only when creating new organizational items and obviously we want to show these default values on screen when editing.

Having spent the past few months completely buried in Anguilla/CME extensions, I obviously started thinking of implementing this by extending a whole bunch of Anguilla Commands and going all crazy on Javascript.

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