About Jonathan Primmer

Jonathan has 7+ years experience of web development focused on localisable content-driven solutions based heavily on integration of the SDL Tridion CMS with Java and ASP.net.

Content Porter: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I recently installed Content Porter 2009 SP2 Server and Client on the same server as the SDL Tridion Content Manager(CM) 2011 SP1.

Exporting worked totally fine, the zip was created and sat there just dying to be imported… so I thought ‘great, just a quick test of importing and I’m done’.

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Fixing a busted Tridion publisher

So I have to work this evening… want to know why? Because today my Tridion virtual machine magically stopped publishing after a reboot, I could smell Java libraries from the start!

Let me explain…

I went to bed feeling pretty satisfied after a long, hard day of coding. Same as any other day I simply closed the lid of my laptop to send my computer into hibernation, I foolishly (I admit) left my VM running.

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