How Big Can CMS Infrastructure Get?

How big can a production CMS server get?

The short answer is as big as your blank check allows.


As you add users, workflow, translation, heavy publishing, and lots of opening/changing components, the CMS server size will inevitably increase.

Often times, multiple CM services are all enabled on one large machine for the enterprise, but the downsides of that are when one problem happens, all aspects of your CMS fail with it. Below I show what an infrastructure looks like that handles very large publishing loads and is scalable to add more load. The CMS also handles workflow services and translation integration with World Server.

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Use GUI Extension to Solve for Content Re-Ordering

GUI Extension: Components Re-Ordering Dialog

  • SDL Best Practices recommend not localizing pages.
  • We originally used Container Components so that Editors can re-order components without needing page localization.
    • The use of Container Components introduced other issues as explained in this blog about Container Components.
    • The solution outlined below does not rely on containers.
  • SDL can store additional data on each component using Application Data. Application Data is applied to items across the blueprint and don’t require items localization.

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Problems with Container Based Content Model

Containers are a common approach when designing CMS content models. They allow Authors and Content Editors to organize content hierarchically. While containers allow contributors to group, reorder, and organize content easily, they also add a lot of dependencies to the content across the system.

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