About Paul Russell

Paul has 30+ years of experience with developing software, and has watched the internet evolve into the web and web 2.0. It has always been an exciting time to develop software because so many things are happening and everything is new. I'm really looking forward to what tomorrow has to offer!

Deploying Event System Extensions in 8.5

Writing code .. that’s the easy part. The hard part can sometimes be deploying the code.

I’ve recently been working on some event system code in SDL Web 8.5 and wanted to deploy it. This is a simple matter of stopping a service or two, copying over the DLL, and then restarting the services.

Rather than re-invent the wheel I referred to my notes in Intro to the Event System, but then realized that the service model within Web 8.5 was quite a bit different.

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Excel — an excellent editor for Tridion component lists

TridionExcelTridionOne of our customers has a pattern where they have a list of component links in a container component. Some of these container components are hundreds of links long.

Although the contained components are ported from DEV to UAT to PROD, adding the components to the containers is done manually. This usually works well, but what happens when some links are missing? How do you sort through hundreds of component links to find if you need to add one?

In this post I show how to use Excel and Notepad++ to work with the contents of the container component.

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Asynchronous Events – Fire and Forget

FireRocketIn http://www.tridiondeveloper.com/intro-to-the-event-system I described the overall event system, listing many of the options available, but not describing them in detail. One of these options requires further examination: Asynchronous Events.

Asynchronous Events happen outside of the regular process of the code that is running. They may run now, or they may run later. You can think of Asynchronous Events as “Fire And Forget” rockets. Sometimes that’s exactly what you need, and sometimes that’s exactly the wrong thing. Let’s look at some scenarios for both.

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Event System and Publishing – a look at performance tests

tortoise-and-the-hareOne of our clients uses Tridion 2013 SP1, and has strict audit requirements for their publishing. We need to know what is on the site at any particular point in time. The auditors might ask, for example, what the user saw if they viewed the site two weeks ago last Tuesday at 3am.

We have to track what gets published, and make sure that we have no significant performance degradation while we’re doing that. Publishing for our releases already take several hours, and we can’t extend that by any significant amount of time.

These tests let us look at different options for this timing. Once the tests have been run, we will then have a better idea of which one to implement.

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Content Porting – migrating environments without headaches

11qesqWe have a number of environments that we work with and we move data from one environment to another using both the generally available and highly customized Release Manager and, of course, the Content Porter. This post is about what we’ve found that works best in this scenario, and helps us to ensure that the release happens as smoothly as possible.

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Intro to the Event System

rear-view-mirrorAn event, in any computer system, is an interruption in the current process. The computer is busy doing what it should be doing, and then something happens to stop it and send it in a different direction. In old systems this was limited to the user clicking a keyboard key or a mouse button. Now, with much more complex systems, it can include state changes, network events, new data, and nearly everything else. Continue reading