Trick to Submitting a POST Request with Java DXA 1.7

We had a scenario while building a form on Java DXA 1.7 and tried to have it submit via POST, not GET. We had the form working perfectly via GET, but when we changed the method to POST the response was a 403 Forbidden. We poked in many directions, such as directory security settings and web.xml configs. In the end it was the CSRF configuration built into DXA that was the answer…

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DXA Model Mapping Cheatsheet

I recently started working on a new project using the DXA. One of the site types was a rebuild; using an existing content model rather than creating schemas from scratch. Part of the DXA philosophy is to enable MVC developers to use simple view models which hide the complexity of the underlying domain (CM) model. This article shows some tricks you can use to do help take this approach. Its based on the .NET implementation but the same concepts should apply to the Java version.

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Installing DXA in an existing Tridion publication structure

I’ve been using the DXA framework for a couple of months now, and it’s very easy to use it to quickly set up a new publication structure and create a new website.
The installation is very well documented and doesn’t take that much time.

But what if you want to integrate the DXA framework in an existing set of publications ?

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