Content Porter: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I recently installed Content Porter 2009 SP2 Server and Client on the same server as the SDL Tridion Content Manager(CM) 2011 SP1.

Exporting worked totally fine, the zip was created and sat there just dying to be imported… so I thought ‘great, just a quick test of importing and I’m done’.

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Quick Tip: Turn off verbose template logging in Tridion Event Log

As a good developer, you write out useful information and debug messages in your .NET TBBs using the built in templating logger. This is great when running the TBBs in the template builder to give a bit of extra info about the processing. However, by default info messages will be logged in the Tridion Event Log of your Publisher server, causing log bloat, and making it harder to see important Error and Warning messages. Its really easy to turn this off, but I am not sure I have seen it documented anywhere. Heres how…

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What the REL?! – A simple and very practical use of REL

SDL Tridion introduced a new target language in the 2011 release – rather mysteriously named REL. Discussions on what exactly this is for tend to very quickly get rather technical and revolve around Dynamic Rendering, developing custom tags in Java, the new Content Delivery web service and such.

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The story of SDL Tridion 2011 Custom Resolver and the allowWriteOperationsInTemplates attribute

Before I start with this blog, let me thank all those who have helped me find my way whilst stumbling around in the forest on this one, you know who you are. Had I read the release note properly over a year ago, I am sure I would never have made this journey, however I have learned a lot and figured I would share what I found.

A long, long time ago, in an office somewhere in the Netherlands I decided to make a VBScript Component Template for Tridion R5.0 which created the HTML for an article, and then published a summary DCP (Dynamic Component Presentation) for inclusion in a broker driven index page. I was a happy man.

Sometime later, I was at a client in Norway, and I only had rights to make templates and pages etc. My client needed me to create a new user in the CMS. The Tridion Administrator was on vacation, so I made a template that created a new user in the system. Again, I was a happy man. Continue reading

TDSE impersonation & snap in security

I’ve just finished upgrading a customer to SDL Tridion 2011 where part of the task involved migrating a custom application from Tridion 2009 server to the new 2011 GUI server.  The application uses the .Net Interop library in order to create a TDSE object.  When the code ran to impersonate the object the following exception was thrown with the message:

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